Sunday, December 27, 2015


The year is kinda bending towards its end, so we thought it would be worth it to start searching the archives for unpublished analog shots from the past months. And there are quite some. From Slavin, Bratislava, where we conquered a four block. From small places in Vienna, that still beholds so many undiscovered spots. And from a new DIY heaven that arose from the passion of a group of skaters in the wastelands of the city. We couldnt be more thankful. 

By now, Alchemyst is alive for two years now exactly. We dont really know the direction we are heading for. There will be no transformation into some kind of "brand", no distribution of our products. There is no goal we have apart from mobbing in the streets, film, depict and get our thoughts on scootering across by different means. As long as this connects us to people around the globe, our project will be there. Various ideas are cooking in our minds and will come to life soon, but we are also always on the lookout for new input, from wherever it may come from.

sessions in december have their sunsets early
this is even sketchier than it looks
constructive anarchy
in the last light of day
beautiful wastelands tend to be the victim of our house-building-craze,
 also this paradise will end up like this, the cranes on the horizon promise it
soviet monument=good spot
firing hot 5-0
twobeers getting ready
maybe a flash would have been a good idea
inside 50-50 maybe?

photos & words: David Tiefenthaler